Monday, July 30, 2007


Hello world, thank you for stopping by The Beehive State! Believe it or not, Salt Lake has a large number of young, passionate, expressive individuals who don't receive enough credit and recognition. Matt and I both feel it's our duty to share Salt Lake City's street fashion with the street YOU live on.

This being our first post, here are some pictures and info to start off the site for you guys to get to know us better. Thanks again for the support!


Name: Saria Dy (Suh-ree-uh Dee)
Age: 16
Current Job: I am a freeeeeeee bird or in other words i'm a bum and don't have one
Starsign: Gemini/Cancer (Born on a cusp)
Favorite piece of clothing: a striped crochet dark and light purpled sweater/shirt that i got from Pibs Exchange, and I ran into the girl who donated it there at Bastille once, she said she got it from a garage sale in Park City
Playing on my IPod: the go! team
Today I feel:'s a Sunday in Utah, self explanatory
Favorite Ice Cream: cake batter with brownies and gummy bears AKA "God's Creation"
Favorite thing(s) to do: have "art circles" with my closest and dearest friends, take pictures, melt into one with music, roam the streets of salt lake on a nice summer night, feeling infinite
I dream of: traveling the world


Name: Matt G.
Age: 17
Current Job: Black Chandelier Employee
Starsign: Taurus
Favorite piece of clothing: This blue polka dotted button up shirt that my friend Maddie gave to me. ( Thanks, Maddie. )
Playing on my IPod: Cibo Matto and Feist.
Today I feel:Accomplished
Favorite Ice Cream: Soy cookies & cream (My body is intolerant of lactose)
Favorite thing(s) to do: Hang out with my friends, curl up and watch horror flicks with some pizza and good company.
I dream of:Jeanie.....pffftt....just kidding. Actually , the other night I had a dream that I was at Lagoon and this guy kept trying to hold my hand. It was very awkward. Even in dreamland.